While the Criminal investigation and the Leveson Inquiry continues over allegations of phone hacking at News of The World and its implications to Rupert Murdoch and his publishing empire, I ran across this interview done earlier today via the BBC World Service Hardtalk program which features attorney Mark Lewis, who is handling several of the phone-hacking victims cases as well as being on the receiving end of harsh reprisals and threats from his former colleagues as well as those in the Murdoch Organization.
Lewis, himself a victim of the debilitating disease MS, has been taking on the herculean task of these cases and is considered by some, not only in the press, but in the legal profession, as something of a crusader.
Whether or not that's true doesn't diminish the fact that he's bearing the brunt of a lot of intimidation from many sides. But the bottom line is he's actively engaged in doing the right thing. And one gets the impression that those throwing the biggest stones are the ones living in the largest glass houses.
It's a great interview on a story that is anything but over, and which will be having far-reaching implications in the weeks and months to come. Stay tuned.