Forty years ago today we were knee-deep in another war, this one in Vietnam and it seemed like it would never end any lifetime soon. On this September day there was news of the largest concentrated buildup of North Vietnamese troops going on and the prognosis wasn't good. Meanwhile, President Nixon stopped in on a gathering of families of POW/MIA's meeting in Washington and offered words.
On the subject of Vietnam, uncontested candidate for President, the incumbent Thieu ordered police in Saigon a shoot-to-kill directive to demonstrators ahead of the "elections" coming up shortly. So much for protests.
The UK disclosed a swarm of Soviet spies were living in and around London. This after the Soviets complained Moscow was awash with Brits who just didn't fit the tourist description. Tit for tat in the old espionage game.
Hurricane Ginger was poised to hit the U.S. shortly. The crime rate was going up. The government decided to delay car safety regulations for another 2 years (does the name Ford Pinto ring any bells?). And claims freedom of the Press was under its most serious attack in our history were made at the Freedom Of The Press Commission Hearings underway on Capitol Hill, chaired by Sam Irvin.
Another day in history - and you wonder why.
September 29, 1971 as presented by NBC Nightly News with John Chancellor.