It was twenty-two years ago. And maybe time, like most things, had a way of obscuring the memory or making it unfamiliar to you if you simply weren't quite on the planet yet, or getting used to your way around it.
A lot has been written, recorded and reflected on over the Pro-Democracy Movement in China that Spring of 1989. The strange similarities between the encampment of protesters at Tiananmen Square (Beijing's version of Zuccotti Park) and the late night crackdown and arrest of hundreds of peaceful protesters last night at Occupy Wall Street are stark. Armed force against open arms - brutal repression of cherished ideals, status quo maintained at all costs.
As in China in 1989, a media blackout was ordered - cameras and microphones were prohibited from showing the rest of the world what was going on. Only the distant sound of gunshots, explosions and screams gave any indication the true nature of the beast.
Flash forward to 2011 and the early morning hours of November 15th. Despite all attempts at a media blackout, and the arrest of reporters and hundreds of protesters, word still got out via social media and images flashed on screens to every part of the world and continue to flash as a reminder that Zuccotti won't be Tiananmen. Not this time.
Where it all goes is anyone's guess right now, this moment (10:10 am PST, November 15th).
But as a reminder, or an introduction of an event uncanny in it's similarities, here are two short clips from June 4th 1989 as China decided the Genie had to go back in the bottle.
The Genie, it would appear, won't be fooled again.