Glenn Beck wins Keith Olbermann's Worst Persons segment for this over the top rhetoric on his radio show summed up here by Jason Easley at Politicususa -- Glenn Beck Loses it and Claims to be Carrying out God’s Plan:
On his radio show today, Glenn Beck finally seems to have gone off the cliff as he not only claimed that God has given him a plan, but also he is carrying out God’s will and anger. Beck told his listeners that they it is God’s will that they get behind him and follow him. He said, “When we were starting the TV show there are things that I did that I wouldn’t do now because I had to be more of an entertainer.”
Beck asked, “Are you here to relax and be entertained, or are you here, will you pick up the mantle left to you by the Founders to a guardian of man’s freedom? Will you do it, because your children will ask you what did you do? I believe your God will ask you what did you do?…God is giving a plan I think to me that is not really a plan…The problem is that I think the plan that the Lord would have us follow is hard for people to understand…Because of my track record with you who have been here for a long time. Because of my track record with you, I beg of you to help me get this message out, and I beg of you to pray for clarity on my part.
...Beck then disavowed his status as an entertainer, “When we were, and I’ve never told this story before, when we were starting the TV show, there were things that I did that I wouldn’t do now because I had to be more of an entertainer to get people to go what is this show at five o’clock? I never said anything I didn’t believe, but I may have said things in an entertaining fashion.” Beck also claimed that God led him to attack Van Jones.
Beck is correct. He is no longer an entertainer. Instead he is morphing into a political cult leader who is intent on overthrowing our government in the name of the Founding Fathers. In typical cult leader fashion Beck starts out by claiming that although he is not God, he is doing God’s will, which is why people should follow him. Beck believes that the Founding Fathers were guided by God, but it is too bad that the Founding Fathers didn’t believe that they were being guided by God.
...Beck’s goal is to do away with the separation of church and state. He appears to want nothing less than a Christian theocracy governing the United States. He has been amping up his statements for months, and this is why it is foolish for the left to simply dismiss Beck as an entertainer. He has other goals, lots of other goals, and every single one of them is bad for democracy and America. Read on...
Couldn't agree more. The man is dangerous. Go read the entire post for all of Beck's insanity.
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