From The Chris Matthews Show 'Tell me something I don't know' segment, Kathleen Parker throws this tidbit out there:
Parker: I'm hearing a couple of very interesting things. One shocker is that some Democrats are thinking of jumping ship and changing parties.
Matthews: Do you have the names?
Parker: That's all I can say about that. The other thing is...
Matthews: What part of the country?
Parker: I can't say one more thing. I'm probably in big trouble already.
Fineman: In the continental United States?
Parker: Yes. The other thing is that these -- some of the Senators who've ...
Matthews: Arlen Spector going to flip back?
Parker: But these people who've been obstructionists on the health care bill are going to have a lot of trouble. Their seats are in danger and they're going to have a lot of trouble getting money from their donors.
If she's just talking about more of the Blue Dog Democrats in the House, that isn't much of a shocker. I've got to think she's referring to some Senators since she went straight into their fund raising problems as her second point. I guess we'll find out soon enough. So who's the next Joe Lieberman we've got lying in wait out there?