Well, it looks like Turdblossom isn't too good at doing right wing radio during his stint filling in for Rush Limbaugh, but that wasn't going to stop Bill O'Reilly from goading him that he should have gotten more money for his three hour appearance for which he was paid $1,650 to sub for Limbaugh for three hours. That means they were paying him the pittance of $550 an hour for his time. Who knew substitute propaganda paid so much?
I'm not sure where Bill got his numbers from on Limbaugh's salary, but if they're right the $550 an hour they paid Rove was a pittance in comparison. Isn't it wonderful that these millionaires are pretending to speak for every day Americans and what we're going through? I'm just not quite sure how Rove is going to get by with only making as much in a couple of hours as most families make in a week. I guess he'll manage somehow. In the mean time he can cry about how underpaid he was for his time along with Bill-O on ClusterFox.
Ed Schultz whacked him for how terrible of a job he did filling in for the Drugster as he likes to call Limbaugh. It's too bad more Americans can't make Rove's "princely sum" for their time as well. I guess if the rest of us just figured out how to latch onto that gravy train that's called right wing radio all the problems with our economy would be solved. We can all be rich and no one will ever have to actually work for a living any more and we can all earn our living like Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove shoveling the latest bullshit to anyone who's willing to listen.
Transcript from Ed's show below the fold.
SCHULTZ: And in “Psycho Talk” tonight, Karl Rove filled in for “The Drugster” on the radio show today. And I think old “Turd Blossom” should probably stick to his day job across the street over at Fox.
But on Friday, Rush, of course, had high hopes for his buddy.
RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Almost everybody who has guest-hosted this program ends up with their own show. So I wonder how long it will be before Karl has his?
SCHULTZ: Based on today, quite a long time.
Rove‘s debut as a radio host was a total disaster right off the bat. He had a hell of a time finding the call-in number even though it was right on the screen in front of him.(BEGIN AUDIO CLIP)
KARL ROVE, GUEST HOST, “THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW”: Say that number again there, Snerdly.
It is 800-282-28 -- yes. Even I can remember that, 282-2882 with the
yes, where? I don‘t see it. Nowhere.Oh, there it is, above it. I see it.
See, they‘ve got all these very complicated, sophisticated devices here. I‘m used to people putting pieces of paper in front of me.
SCHULTZ: Oh, it‘s that high-impact, totally entertaining right-wing talk radio on five million stations across America that we just can‘t live without.
The fact that “Bush‘s Brain” can‘t handle reading a number off a computer screen actually sheds some light on the whole WMD debacle, doesn‘t it? Rove‘s incompetence as a radio talk show host continued with a rambling analysis of Christina Romer‘s 2009 policy paper on the Recovery Act. Then he went to commercial promising—promising more excitement ahead.(BEGIN AUDIO CLIP)
ROVE: When we come back, we‘ll be talking about the most important part of Christina Romer‘s document. And I‘m talking about Appendix One. Remember the rules? Always read the appendix, always look at the charts, and always read the footnotes.
SCHULTZ: Here‘s a
footnote for you, Karl: Step away from the microphone. Take a nap. Do something.Drugster, you‘ve got to dump this guy. Hit the dump button.
After Turd Blossom‘s performance today, for “The Drugster” to flat-out suggest that this guy is capable of having his own radio show, that is “Psycho Talk.”