Ah yes... when these guys come up with a new talking point, count on them to all come out in lock-step and repeat it as often as possible. Obviously Mitch McConnell, Haley Barbour and Tim Pawlenty all got the latest talking point on the stimulus bill. Claim that the only jobs it created were government jobs and use that as an excuse to call for more tax cuts. Actually this one isn't all that new. As Think Progress noted -- Even After CBO Reports Stimulus Created Up To 1.6 Million Jobs, Conservatives Claim It ‘Failed' they were lying about the jobs created back in December of last year.
Now that they're getting called out for their hypocrisy as Schwarzenegger did here -- Schwarzenegger slams GOP stimulus hypocrisy and Rachel Maddow did here -- Rachel Maddow: They're Not Embarrassed -- Taking Names on GOP Hypocrisy they look completely ridiculous but I don't think it's going to stop them from repeating their new lie over and over again. It's never stopped them before.