But of course, Joe Scarborough thinks he does. After going on about how neither of our presidential candidates really understands the "American dream," Scarborough proceeded to explain to the viewers his ideas for what it's going to take to make America great again, which of course included such ridiculous platitudes as "getting government out of the way" while simultaneously calling for free Wi-fi for everyone, rebuilding infrastructure and R&D.
I'm not sure who Scarborough thought was going to pay for those things if not the government, but never mind that. U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! We're number one! We're number one! Our schools are the best! We're the greatest country on the face of the earth! And then Mika burst his bubble with some of that elitist, leftist, America-hating smarty-pants talk about Americans being overweight. Why do you hate America Mika? Joe Scarborough wants to know.