How many more of these type of events do we need to see before our politicians wake up to how badly our system needs to be reformed?
From Think Progress--Thousands of Texans Attend ‘Largest Free Clinic Ever Held In The United States’ To Get Health Care:
Over the weekend, thousands of Texans attended what is being called the “largest free clinic ever held in the United States” to get health care they otherwise could not afford. ABC-13, a local Houston station, reported that the event showed that there is an “epidemic” of people without proper health coverage in Texas.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, one of the physicians who worked at the clinic this weekend, compared what he saw there to the post-Katrina crisis:
DR. OZ: We had no idea the overwhelming response we would have, the cries for help from the city of Houston and the state of Texas….This is the largest health mobilization in Houston since Katrina. So a national disaster which brought out this kind of response is now paralleled by a national disaster, because this is just an average day in Houston, and there are thousands of people who need help.