The Villagers never point out why there's so much anger and resentment targeted at governments around the world after we're witnessing so many riots take place because of cutbacks to their services that do not target the wealthy, only that they need to be more serious on how to handle the "debt" problem.
CBS' Bob Schieffer is the latest to echo these views on Sunday as he talked to David Axelrod.
BOB SCHIEFFER: Let me just ask you this question, we saw these riots in London last week when people found out that the government was going to raise the price of going to college. We saw riots in Greece when the government services had to be cut. We’re seeing problems in Ireland with their budget. Are we at a point in this world where democracies have just gone in debt too heavily, where people walked in and have come to expect these services but they really don’t want to pay for them? Is that part of what we’re seeing here?
I think people across the world world feel a little better about the state of affairs if all those responsible for the financial meltdown had been arrested and put in jail with heavy fines. Countries were paying them just fine until a new scam was developed to milk the system for billions of dollars. New austerity programs being instituted around the world which once again punishes the working class who didn't invest their country's resources to bet on the markets that has ultimately left the economies of many country's beaten and broken. Bob Schieffer is another millionaire pundit gasbag who doesn't have to live with the thought of his services being lost and it would seem that he believes we should have to suck it up and take all of the pain. Thanks Bob for your sympathy.