California has some very important propositions that are up for a vote today. Make sure you vote to keep Conservatives away from any leadership position or things will only get much worse here. Wasn't Arnold enough? Tell the world that the Whitmans can't buy the seat.
If you need more help, check Calitics:
Governor: Jerry Brown
US Senator: Barbara Boxer
Lt. Governor: Gavin Newsom
Attorney General: Kamala Harris
Secretary of State: Debra Bowen
Treasurer: Bill Lockyer
Controller: John Chiang
Insurance Commissioner: Dave Jones
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tom Torlakson
State Supreme Court retention - Carlos Moreno: YES
Now for the Props. Some are easy enough, but don't be fooled by others.
Prop 19: YES
Prop 20: NO
Prop 21: YES
Prop 22: no recommendation
Prop 23: NO By now you should know the story here. Texas oil companies and the notorious Koch Brothers are funding this proposition.
Prop 25: YES
Prop 26: NO
Prop 27: YES
The Courage Campaign has an excellent printable Voter Guide just for you. Take it with you to the polls.
And here's a great website dedicated to progressive voters all across the country called The Ballot.
And beware of the anti-tax initiatives in your state.
Joshua Holland has helpfully compiled a list of anti-tax initiatives to vote against in this article. If you live in one of these states or have relatives and friends who do, you might want to forward this article. As Holland says, "they could ruin your government for decades." Indeed, they are probably the single most important reason why the zombie conservatives keep coming back --- they are organized around government failure and low taxes and one begets the other.