Michele Bachmann looked really nervous on FNS with Chris Wallace, but her nerves didn't stop her from coming off as a lunatic. For his part Wallace asked some tough questions, but then didn't press her on her tea party-over the top stupidity.
I may start calling her "Nostradamus," since she's calling herself that and Wallace put up the transcript of what she said. She avoided addressing the issue that she called Obama "anti-American" on an earlier FNS and instead, attacked Obama's policies again. When Wallace told her that Bush is the one who bailed out the Banks and AIG, she just said, "That's right." The next question should have been, "Was George Bush anti-American too?"
Flashback time. Remember when Michele tried to stick her tongue down George Bush's throat during his SOTU address in 2008?
Wallace: Can't you disagree with his policies without saying he's anti-American?
Bachmann: Well I didn't say he was anti-American on when I was on Sean Hannity show..I, I said that his policies were radical and I think they are....
Her defense is to say she didn't call him anti-American on Hannity's show. Teh stoopid, it hurts. She just lies and makes up all her "facts" without a hint of guilt. She just went into her anti-federal government schtick and lied about the size of corporate America and then went into another lie about Obama's position on a Value Added Tax. Of course, the president didn't say anything about VATs, but Paul Volcker did. Wallace actually didn't let that one go by.
Wallace: In fairness, the president hasn't proposed that, one of his top economic advisors, Paul Volcker, this week sugggested we might have to consider it, but the president hasn't proposed it.
Bachmann says "we've gone from 100% of the private economy being private" to now the United States "owns or effectively owns" 51% of the private economy. This is what's called, "complete bullshit."
Wallace points out that the bank bailouts were done by Bush, but he should also point out that WE DO NOT "OWN" ANY OF THOSE BANKS. Those banks were, very explicitly, NOT NATIONALIZED.
Bachmann is also against the Value-Added Tax, because it's European. Europeans love getting taxed! If someone would only tell them that they didn't have to pay so much in taxes, and all they'd have to give up were many "goods and services" their government provides. Wallace points out that the VAT is also something that the president hasn't endorsed. She's also upset by elevated levels of unemployment, but, I guess not willing to do anything that brings down those levels? I hope we get to the whole part where Tim Geithner wants to peg our economy to the dinar soon!
What didn't she lie about? Her name. "Nostradamus"