Customer John lives in the gnawing belly of East Texas and sends us some insight into the pits of hell.
When you can’t understand why people in East Texas keep electing Louie Gohmert, Steve Stockman, and other assorted fools, here’s a bit of a hint: sometimes they just don’t know any better.
Take the local newspapers for example.

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This is the Tyler Morning Telegraph.
It’s an AP story which includes information that there is no evidence that President Obama ordered or even knew about the IRS targeting groups wanting tax exempt status.
You would not guess that from the headline, now would you?
And while the story includes the fact that other Presidents may have used the IRS for punishment of their political enemies, the headline indicates that President Obama is familiar to scandals.
When the AP files a story, local newspapers can and do write their own headlines.
The same story appeared in the Boston Globe except “Scandal” was replaced with “Allegations” in the headline as did the Fresno Bee, NBC News, and even KTUV.
Every other replay of the AP story used the word “allegation.” The East Texas newspaper used “Scandal.”
And they put the story in the “FAITH” section. Yes, they do still have freedom of religion in East Texas: you can belong to any kind of Baptist Church you want to.
Why would political news headline the FAITH section of the local newspaper, you ask?
Because you have to accept on faith that Barack Obama has cloven hooves.
John promises to keep an eye out for more of this crapola.
Juanita Jean blogs at the World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.