[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/QDX46Y2w9a8" width="400" height="244" resize="1" fid="21"]
Overheard conversation between a couple of 15-year olds recently:
"OMG, have you heard? No one likes him. They're all telling me what a jerk he is."
"Oh, I know. He just doesn't have a clue about anything, does he?"
That clip from Morning Joe at the top almost gets to that, with Scarborough's snide suggestion that the Senators just think President Obama is clueless. Assume the Scarborough Seven would include Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, Mark Warner, Blanche Lincoln, Joe Lieberman and who else? (By the way, I make that assumption because of the assertion that he's 'gotta get Republicans' in there...no progressive Senator would say that.)
Sure, Scarborough could very well be exaggerating wildly or makin' it up. But you know something? Having watched Congress up close for the past two years -- the backbiting, the shortsightedness, the scheming, the elevation of individual careers over party, and the bizarre addiction some Dems have to currying favor with journalists and outlets who are openly hostile to them -- It wouldn't surprise me at all if there's some truth to it.
Assuming "all those Senators" actually said what Joey says they said, it makes sense because of the jockeying right now between BlueDogs and the rest of the Democrats. Keep the message out in the media via the one guy willing to act as megaphone in the hopes Democrats will move right at a time where they should absolutely be moving left.