The sooner these Bluedogs let the door hit them in the arse on the way out, the better. They're more trouble than they're worth these days. I realize we live in a country with a great diversity of opinion, but when you call yourself a Democrat while behaving like a Republican with a grudge, don't expect me to cry big salt tears when you retire.
Personally, I welcome Dennis Cardoza's retirement, and would like for it to be sooner rather than later. Cardoza is the co-chair of the rapidly-dwindling and dying Congressional Bluedog caucus, and he has a bit of a sad that our current President isn't a glad-handing, schmoozing idiot who has a few beers with Congress and cuts deals.
In an op-ed for The Hill, Cardoza let loose with a big foot-stomping temper tantrum at the President. Personally, it sounds like more of an audition for Fox News, given that Cardoza did everything but use the word uppity in his rant. He came close, calling him an arrogant professor who never listens to any real people.
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what Cardoza's point is. While it's certainly true that the President hasn't been all buddy-buddy with Congress, he's hardly an isolated elitist looking down on the American people from some ivory tower. What was he expecting?
The LA Times speculates:
The White House had no comment on Cardoza's criticism. The Californian has been at odds with the administration for a while. In announcing his retirement on the House floor, he slammed the White House’s handling of the housing crisis. Cardoza’s Central Valley district, which runs from Stockton to Fresno, has been hammered by foreclosures.
Moreover, the former co-chairman of the Democratic Blue Dog coalition in the House saw his colleagues in the caucus eviscerated in the 2010 midterm election, many undone they believed because of Obama administration’s policies on healthcare and greenhouse gas emissions.
Awwww. The Blue Doggie didn't like being forced to behave according to his party's stated, written, voted-upon and adopted platform? Then goodbye and good riddance to him.