August 27, 2009

When I think about songs that have disgustingly amazing and simple guitar riffs, I always imagine the first time they were introduced at band practice. My preferred musing is Malcolm Young from AC/DC going into rehearsal, saying "Guys, what do you think of this riff?", playing the main riff from Back in Black, and everyone immediately knows that it's going to be unstoppable.

There aren't too many songs with riffs like that, but "A Girl Like You" by The Smithereens is definitely on the short list. The Hoboken, NJ band has consistently churned out quality, muscular power-pop over the years, but this song (their biggest chart success, to boot) holds up the best, thanks to that classic and simple riff that you can picture Beavis and Butthead singing, heads banging.

For the comments: riffs. Bring 'em.

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