Even Lindsey Graham says there’s no evidence the IRS targeted conservative groups. Of course, the IRS didn’t really target conservative groups, it did its job and investigated questionable groups across the spectrum. Yes, even when he’s right, Graham is mostly wrong. Good luck against the Tea Party, tough guy.
Connecting the Dots: Where is Issa’s Edward R. Murrow?
Zandar Versus the Stupid: What’s with conservatives’ scorched-earth government?
Frankly Curious: Do conservative reformers exist?
RH Reality Check: Are we on the verge of contraception for all?
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (Twitter: @mjwstickings). I'll be here all week.
Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.
By Michael Stickings
— June 4, 2013