Without any ado...
Booman Tribune: America is returning to the brutality of Dickensian England, a paradise of plutocracy where the celebrated rich have their planes and yachts and the hated poor get crushed.
Human Voices: America is becoming more and more a neo-feudal police state, a corporate oligarchy with no collective concern for anything but maximum profit and maximum exploitation. (But who cares, right?)
How to Save the World: The evidence, including what's happening in America, suggests that civilization is nearing an end, with collapse set to play out through a series of ugly, cascading crises.
Oh yeah, and the economic apocalypse may be at hand, what with the Republican/Teabagger default deniers trying to pull America into the abyss.
Wow, that's all quite depressing, isn't it? Have a happy Friday!
But make sure to have a look at "My Planned Parenthood Carnival," co-hosted by Shakesville and What Tami Said. A lot of great stuff to read. Join the fight for women's health.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. I'll be here all week.
Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.
By Michael Stickings
— July 8, 2011