The Public Record: FBI email says Bush authorized abuse of Iraqi detainees. Which brings us to the Orwell du Jour and the 'morality' of conservatism.
No More Mister Nice Blog: You know, if I'm a hillbilly heroin dealer, and suddenly the Secret Service is hanging around because my son has impregnated the daughter of a VP candidate ... er, I might think of trying to find a new way to earn money. But hey, that's just me.
Open Left: Hegemony On Steroids, Part One, and Part 2
Prometheus 6: It's a really bad crisis that forces this much truth on the newspaper of record
Sic Semper Tyrannis: And now for something completely different
HOLY CRAP: That Darn God...This pretty much confirms it...Pheripheral Damage...One Nation Under Elvis...Rapturoos...2008's Top Ten Church-State stories...Clean and unclean...Nut on nut violence...The Bible tells me, uh, something else...WTF, the Pope smokes?...Dear Galileo...Lying for faith...Now How Much Would you Pay?...Bible Class Bombs...The doll that screams Jihad...Obama listening to liberal faith groups...Baptist editor wants state funds to win converts...Vatican claims contraception harms environment... Jefferson’s Jan. 1 letter to the Danbury Baptists...God hates shrimp...'God will punish Rick Warren'