(h/t Media Matters)
President Obama held a rally to drum up support for health care reform at George Mason University, which was covered by the three cable news networks.
Just when Obama started launching into examples of real Americans suffering under our current system, who else but Fox News broke away from the speech in order to give House Minority Leader John Boehner's press conference? Media Matters:
Fox's Jon Scott cut off President Obama and stated flatly: "I described it before it began as a pep rally and you can kind of see that's what it is. The President doing everything he can to try and get the American people behind his health care reform plans." Scott suggested the Fox audience finish watching Obama's event on the internet if they were so inclined and then cut to Boehner for "the opposition point of view."
Gosh. You'd think it was almost as if Fox News didn't want people to realize how people could benefit from health care reform.