Convention coordinators forgot to book buses to take the Florida delegation to the convention, stranding angry officials at a hotel about 40 minutes from downtown Tampa.
"Well, that sucks," Hillsborough County GOP chair Art Wood told the Tampa Bay Times. "I guess it won't be the first glitch."
He was right. ABC News reports that when a last-minute bus finally came, the driver got lost on the way to the Tampa Bay Times Forum -- prompting one person aboard to suggest the driver was a Democrat.
It was the latest in a round of humiliations for the home state delegation, who were given less desirable seats, fewer VIP passes, "second-class" hotel rooms, and other penalties as a punishment for scheduling their primary earlier than March, according to the Miami Herald.
In fact, the RNC is so eager to make sure that minority faces show up every time a news camera turns around that they gave preferred seating to delegations from American Samoa and Northern Mariana Island and sent Florida's delegation to the nosebleed seats with the states with heavy Ron Paul support.
Hey GOP, I just want you to realize that's a little taste of Mitt Romney's leadership...superficial 'support' strictly for the purpose of looking good and ignoring your real needs. Congratulations on nominating such a stellar candidate.