Wow. Just when you thought the anecdotes of just how incompetent the McCain campaign was were over, we get this...
Private information at bargain prices. It was a high-tech flub at the McCain-Palin campaign headquarters in Arlington when Fox 5’s Investigative Reporter Tisha Thompson bought a Blackberry device containing confidential campaign information.
It started with a snippet we read on page A23 in Thursday’s Washington Post. The McCain-Palin campaign was going to sell its used office inventory at low prices.
I can understand trying to recoup some of your election season loses, but is there any excuse for this kind of incompetence? Geez.
The FOX reporter called a few of the numbers stored in the phone's memory and got this classic response.
“They should have wiped that stuff out,” another said. But he added, “Given the way the campaign was run, this is not a surprise.”
Yep. That bout sums it all up.