Who won the debate?
McCain (R) 22
Obama (D) 53
Shares your values:
Obama, Before the debate: 54
Obama, After the debate: 63
McCain, Before the debate: 53
McCain, After the debate: 56
Who won the debate?
McCain (R) 31
Obama (D) 58
Obama, before debate: 63/35
Obama, after debate: 66/33
McCain, before debate: 51/45
McCain, after debate: 49/49
Even the Luntz focus group gives it to Obama:
Meanwhile, virtually the entire Frank Luntz focus group on Fox News, which was staged tonight in Miami, said that Barack Obama won the debate. Luntz termed it a "clear majority," but not one person raised their hand when asked if they thought McCain won.
Said Luntz: "None had made a decision to support Sen. Obama before the debate, but more than half supported him after the debate. It was a good night for Barack Obama."