Donald Trump's latest attempt to use the courts to get people to ignore that he's an empty suit with a comb-over, comes as he threatens to sue liberal blogger Angelo Carusone of Stop Beck fame. But don't worry, unlike Trump, Carusone has an actual belief system and he isn't going anywhere. Go Angelo!
Still Shaking the Tree: Debating a true believer on guns - or vaginas - can be a terribly frustrating affair.
Keith Balmer: Once Marco Rubio starts talking, you can prepare yourself for some serious Gulp Fiction.
The BQ Brew: New York bus workers have ended their strike, leaving Mayor Bloomberg cackling like an Orwellian villain.
Politicus USA: The sequester cuts are the latest attempt by Republicans to sabotage the economy.
Finally, take some time today to shed a crocodile tear or two for conservative blogger Ben Howe, who believes President Obama is using Google to read his e-mails Life in a paranoid delusion can't be fun.
Round-up by Bill Wolfrum of William K. Wolfrum Chronicles. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.