The ascendancy of "news" with an attitude - a spin, a bias - is undeniable. Whether it's Moore's determined effort to make Bush look dishonest and stupid; Brit Hume, Fox News Channel's chief Washington correspondent, looking as if he swigged sour milk when he mentions Democratic nominee John the rest of the article from NEWSDAY
Where those seeking their point of view go: Conservatives Liberals
- Local TV news . . . . . . . . . . 66% 54%
- Daily newspaper . . . . . . 61% 56%
- Network evening news 3 4% 36%
- Fox News Channel . . . . . . . 1% 2 9%
- CNN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 24% 30%
- Morning news shows . . . . . 26% 28%
- Network news magazines . .23% 24%
- National Public Radio. . . . 13% 33%
- News pages of ISPs . . . . . . 12% 22%
- Weekly news magazines . ..12% 16%
- Network TV Web sites . . . .10% 16%
- Religious radio shows. . . . ..20% 7%
- "The O'Reilly Factor". . . . . . 21% 2%
- "Rush Limbaugh" . . . . . . . .. .20% 5%
- "The Daily Show". . . . . . . . . . 2% 14%
- Compiled from staff and wire reports.
SOURCE: Study by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, June 2004