MSNBC pulled the plug of the "Imus in the Morning" show today, when Bo Dietl appeared as his guest and started to discuss his longtime friend Bernar
December 12, 2004

A picture named Bo.jpg

MSNBC pulled the plug of the "Imus in the Morning" show today, when Bo Dietl appeared as his guest and started to discuss his longtime friend Bernard Kerik. As they talked about Mr. Kerik, Dietl went into a long tirade about his several pairs of $46,000 dollar shoes. Abruptly MSNBC cut away from Imus and went to their MSNBC studios for the final thirty minutes or so of the show.

Was MSNBC trying to silence Dietl? He was recently hired by FOX and arrogantly went after Andrea Mackris, the ex-FOX employee that sued Bill O'Reilly for sexual harrasement. Bo had appeared on many TV shows and openly threatened her.

I was just informed that MSNBC cut away for the Golden globe nominations. Okay... we stand corrected.

Spike Lee said." It's the shoes!"

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