Bolton's best: " There is no such thing as the United Nations ... There is an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real
April 10, 2005

A picture named Bolton.jpg

Bolton's best: " There is no such thing as the United Nations ... There is an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world and that is the United States when it suits our interests and we can get others to go along. And I think it would be a real mistake to count on the U.N. as if it is some disembodied entity out there that can function on its own." _Global Structures Convocation, Feb. 3 1994.

The (United Nations) secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If you lost ten stories today it wouldn't make a bit of difference." _Global Structures Convocation, 1994....

Care to add any?

via WaPo: John R. Bolton, a blunt diplomat whose nomination as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. is opposed by most Democrats and a chunk of the foreign policy establishment, pledged Monday to help strengthen a world body that has occasionally "gone off track."

Via BlondeSense: Among those accusing Mr Bolton is Carl Ford, a former chief at the department's bureau of intelligence. He is expected to tell the committee that Mr Bolton distorted intelligence gathered on Iraq's weapons programmes and other matters to make it fit the administration's goals.

I'll wager that this guy gets the gig anyway.

Watching Talk Show Sunday, it's quite clear that most democrats were not going to vote for Bolton. I'll try to have some video highlights later in the day if I can. Biden is up now.

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