via NY Daily News: If the conservative guests on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" sound especially on-message, that's because they're being coached by t
April 14, 2005

via NY Daily News: If the conservative guests on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" sound especially on-message, that's because they're being coached by the best: Sean Hannity himself:

Between commercials, according to an off-air audiotape obtained by investigative comedian Harry Shearer for last Sunday's episode of his weekly radio program, "Le Show," Hannity coached the women on exactly how to respond when liberal co-host Alan Colmes cross-examined them. Go read the rest of the article. It's about those nurses.

We at C&L have obtained a recorded exchange between Hannity and Colmes just the other day. It went something like this:

Hannity to Colmes:

Hannity: When we are on the air you will look weak and pathetic.

Colmes. I will look weak and pathetic.

Hannity: You will constantly fumble through your notes and make bad points.

Colmes: I will constantly fumble through my notes and make bad points.

Hannity: You will not interupt my guests.

Colmes: I will not interupt your guests.

Hannity: You are never allowed to call my guest liars, even when they are lying.

Colmes: I will never call your guest liars, even when they are lying.

Hannity: I am the Big Kahuna.

Colmes: You are the Big Kahuna

Hannity: Howard Dean is shrill.

Colmes: Howard Dean is shrill

Hannity: Hillary Clinton is shrill.

Colmes: Hillary Clinton is shrill.

Hannity: You can go now.

Colmes: I will go now.

Rising Hegemon responds with Douchebaggery Update

Eschaton responds with Punching Bag

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