Move Forward America: In response to Senator Voinovich's actions in obstructing the nomination of John Bolton to serve as U.S. Ambassador to the Unite
April 19, 2005

Move Forward America: In response to Senator Voinovich's actions in obstructing the nomination of John Bolton to serve as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Move America Forward will be broadcasting radio ads throughout Ohio criticizing Senator Voinovich's conduct.

Ankle Bitting pundits: Sometimes you wonder if the GOP deserves to have a majority in the Senate. After today, the answer may be "No".

Power Lie: This is bad news: Senator George Voinovich broke ranks today, along with Chuck Hagel, and forced his Republican colleagues to agree to an indefinite postponement in the vote on John Bolton's nomination as U.N. Ambassador.


Beltway Buzz:: In addition, Voinovich did not attend the committee hearings last week - but he didn't let that stand in his way.

I guess it doesn't matter to them if a candidate in a very important position is seriously vetted. I suppose tomorrow Poweline will have done no research and proved that the new allegations came from Harry Reid's office.

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