With Laura Bush's performance still a buzz over the internets, I thought I'd post this hilarious clip from the Daily Show.
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Mr. Colbert plays segments of Laura's "late show" performance.
Eschaton says What Majikthise says. No liberals give a shit that Laura Bush made some raunchy jokes. We just find it a) hilarious that the prudish conservative values crowd has no problems with it and b) are a bit annoyed at the usual liberal media double standard for these things. You know, the suddenly inoperative "Whoopi Standard."
Majikthise says: Liberals attacking Laura?: Which liberal friends? The liberals I know have been laughing at the sputtering conservative commentariat. The only thing they hate more than sex is seeing a woman upstage her husband.
Mark Kleinman says: In defense of Laura : If she wants to use the cover of humor to point out that George W. Bush is too stupid and lazy to be President, why should we object?
Eugene Volokh says: It seems to me that such criticism of Laura Bush's humor is misguided, because it misses a couple of critical distinctions: Dignity vs. Civility: Whoopi Goldberg's Bush jokes at a Democratic fundraiser in 2004 were criticized not because they contained sexual innuendo as such, but because they were rude they were vulgar, mean-spirited attacks.
Crooks and Liars says: The media once again fails to reponded to this story properly. Laura Bush is portrayed as a nice, wholesome figure (Kitty Kelly be damned) and they aren't sure what to do with her "jerking off the horse jokes." Volokh is completely off base using a lame excuse to distance Laura from Whoopie. I guess its ok to joke about "milking the johnson", but not "stroking the bush" as long you're nice about it. George gets a pass from sliming John McCain's adopted children in the 2000 primaries, but John Kerry is the anti-christ because he attended that Whoopie fund raiser.