God's Own Circus aren't heeding the call of their Commander and Chief to calm down. What will their penance be? from email: Colorado Springs, Colo. &
July 6, 2005

God's Own Circus aren't heeding the call of their Commander and Chief to calm down. What will their penance be?

from email: Colorado Springs, Colo. – New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer should bow out of the confirmation process for seating Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement on the U.S. Supreme Court because he has already acknowledged he won't give any likely nominee a fair hearing, Focus on the Family Action Vice President of Government and Public Policy Tom Minnery said today..

Schumer also implied that the filibuster compromise worked out among 14 moderate senators of both parties to allow confirmation of some of Bush's appellate court nominees would have little bearing on whether filibusters will be launched against a Supreme Court nominee.

"It is impossible, in light of these comments, for any candidate likely to be advanced by the president to get a fair hearing from Sen. Schumer," Minnery said. "Senators are constitutionally obligated to offer their advice and consent on court nominees. All Sen. Schumer is prepared to offer is his disgust and contempt – and for that reason he should recuse himself from taking part in the confirmation process.

Think Progress says: ” FRC head Tony Perkins called Shumer’s comment “against the process of judicial honor and shameful.” Which is, to put it mildly, deeply ironic. After all, on the very day that Justice O’Connor announced her retirement, FRC put out a release claiming Americans (and, in particular, their grassroots activists) were “primed for the fight” over the next nominee. (The same release attacked Justice O’Connor as a “judicial activist.”)

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