Randi was on Paula Zahn with guest host Hedi Collins and debated CNN's resident wingnut Bay Buchanan over the job Bush is job.
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COLLINS: Randi, the president admitted, for the first time, that American troops will be in Iraq until at least 2009. Is he really leaving it up to the next president to get this job done?
RHODES: He's leaving a mess for everybody.
He's leaving a mess for the middle class. He's leaving a mess for the soldiers. He's billing them for their body armor when they come home. He hasn't changed the strategy. While he was talking in this surprise news conference today, this -- these matinee appearances that the president gives, which, by the way, are for us. It's for news -- us in the news. It's for us in the media to watch him and then comment on him at night, when people are likely to be watching your show.
Nobody sees these matinee things, except for Bay and me and you, Heidi. And...