You knew it was only a matter of time before a Republican pundit would hope for a catastrophe that would help Bush in the upcoming election.
Arthur Silber via Fred Barnes:
The problem here is that national security isn't the leading campaign issue. And saying it should be won't make it so. What's needed is an event--a big event--to crystallize the issue in a way that highlights Republican strength and Democratic weakness. It was two events--the foiled British terrorist plot and the need to comply with a Supreme Court decision on handling captured terrorists--that led to the Republican mini-rally in September.
Of course there's little time left for a major event to occur. The North Korean bomb test wasn't big enough to change the course of the campaign. So Republicans may have to rely on their two remaining assets: They have more money than the Democrats and a voter turnout operation second to on
There's still time to attack attack Iran, Freddy.
(for those of you who don't know how to click through. Fred Barnes wrote the article)