I'm jet lagged badly right now so I forgot to post about SD's rejected abortion ban. Take that!--you Salem revisionist. Digby: So I keep he
November 8, 2006

napoli.jpg I'm jet lagged badly right now so I forgot to post about SD's rejected abortion ban. Take that!--you Salem revisionist.


So I keep hearing that the conservatives really won yesterday, and yet:

From the country's heartland, voters sent messages that altered America's culture wars and dismayed the religious right � defending abortion rights in South Dakota, endorsing stem cell research in Missouri, and, in a national first, rejecting a same-sex marriage ban in Arizona.

Conservative leaders were jolted by the setbacks and looked for an explanation Wednesday. Gay-rights and abortion-rights activists celebrated.

The verdict on abortion rights was particularly clear. Oregon and California voters defeated measures that would have required parents to be notified before a girl under 18 could get an abortion, and South Dakotans � by a margin of 56 percent to 44 percent � rejected a new state law that would have banned all abortions except to save a pregnant woman's life.

"This was really a rebellion in the heart of red-state, pro-life America � the heart of the northern Bible Belt," said Sarah Stoesz, head of the
Planned Parenthood chapter that oversees South Dakota. "It sends a very strong message to the rest of the country."

Gee, I wonder why mainstream American finally said they've had enough?

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