The KSFO show is an obvious PR stunt. If they weren't worried there would be no special at all. 35,000 downloads so far and counting. We know what they're about and no special programming event will change that. Mike Stark catches Morgan engaging in a little astroturfing:
Melanie Morgan has been caught red-handed astro-turfing her own mea culpa show. She sent an email to a list of sycophants asking them to call her show in support. (please click the link. I's have simply posted the text, but it wasn't forwarded to me - the person with the scoop deserves the traffic) on
I've just started live streaming the show and it's nauseating. They call us vitriolic, crackpots and kooks and one of the fools said only anonymous bloggers have been attacking them. I think my name is on this post...Search Melanie Morgan on C&L and you'll see how rancid she is on 24/7 as well as on radio. gaelicstarover is following the case also...
UPDATE: David Brock wrote ABC...