It's Valentine's Day, that ultimate in created holidays. While I'm not a big fan of fake holidays as a rule, I want to break that tonight
February 13, 2007

It's Valentine's Day, that ultimate in created holidays. While I'm not a big fan of fake holidays as a rule, I want to break that tonight to dedicate tonight's LNMC to my husband, who has been extraordinarily supportive and patient with all my added hours helping my friend, John Amato here that could have gone to spending time with him.

So for my best friend, my sweetheart, the love of my life, here are the Beatles: In My Life, which was the song we selected to play at our wedding.

So tonight's challenge shouldn't be too much of a challenge. Set aside the cynicism, the bitterness, the frustration of six years of the Bush administration and simply dedicate a song to the person you love.

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