Are you getting tons of tele-marketing calls at like 7AM? I signed up on that website a few years ago which was supposed to block me from getting any of these "Hi, are you the owner of the home? Let's talk about your long distance service. How about some aluminum siding?"
Usually it's an electronic voice these days, but if a person calls, I do try and be nice to them. I'm so busy now that I rarely answer the phone...Thank you CID....My email box keeps me crazy busy too, but the phone has become just a headache...What about you?
Update: I do tell my friends not to call during the day because I'm insanely busy, but they still call too...Then they think I'm just blowing them off. I don't mind political calls though. I've gotten some good voting information from the Democratic Party when I've forgotten to make sure I'm registered in my district.