Some of you know I've been getting over a nasty virus. Lucky for me I have a Netflix account and decided to "power cycle" through the first season of Battlestar Gallactica while resting up. What I mean by "power cycling" is that I watched the whole season in about a week. It's one thing to check out a series from week to week, but speeding through it is a completely different experience. I came up with the term "power cycle" - call it what you like, but it's a great way to get through an illness and also breathes incredible depth and clarity into the characters and stories.
BA is just another reason why we need to support the WGA strikers. The writers barely see a penny from the sale of a single DVD, let alone a package of 3-6. The success of "FireFly" after it was prematurely cancelled by FOX on DVD promoted millions of dollars to be poured into Whedon's "Serenity," a most excellent movie version of the series. Dexter and The Wire are a couple of other shows to cycle through fast and furious. You won't be disappointed.