MSNBC announced a slate of changes this afternoon, leading with their new election-themed show: "Race For The White House" with David Gregory. The NBC White House correspondent has been a utility player at NBC/MSNBC for some time, regularly stepping in as a guest host — and demonstrating his range — on the "Today Show" and "Meet The Press." Gregory also took over the timeslot left vacant by Don Imus last April, temporarily stepping in to the breach before the network began trying out different hosts in that timeslot. The show will premiere on March 17th. Read on...
He's no Rachel Maddow, but perhaps MSNBC believes she needs more camera time before she's ready for her own show. Gregory has blamed the blogs for the polarization of American politics and is hit and miss in the reality based, hard hitting journalism arena so we'll have to keep an eye on him. This is a real missed opportunity for MSNBC.