What else can be added about the sorry state of the Republican brand?
Separately, six Republican senators have decided to skip the GOP convention.
Sens. Ted Stevens of Alaska, Gordon Smith of Oregon, Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina and Susan Collins of Maine all face tough re-election campaigns. Two others, Wayne Allard of Colorado and Larry Craig of Idaho, are retiring.
Granted, Ted Stevens will most likely be in court fighting to keep his butt out of jail, but it's pretty obvious why Smith, Dole and Collins want to stay as far away as possible from George Bush and the rest of their party. Hell, Gordon Smith is even running ads in which he touts his relationship with Barack Obama. What does it say about the GOP when its most vulnerable members can't get far enough away from its leaders?
Indeed, after President Bush decided not to call Congress back into session after the GOP charade over gas prices on the House floor, John Boehner is now ripping him as "Beijing George" and accusing him of throwing House Republicans "under the bone-dry bus" on his way to the Olympics in China. How stupid do these people think we are? They spend eight years enabling Bush's worst transgressions, and then they coordinate a fake, stupid and cynical stunt and expect everyone to forget they are in lock-step with Bush? Seriously? Wow.