Howdy, folks! It’s good to be back posting here. It’s Monday moanin’, and we’ve got ice everywhere, here in Armpit, TN. It’s pretty, but dangerous in an area where we have no means of removal of said ice, so everything is shut down. Just cleaned up after the last ice storm brought down an enormous lot of branches from my lovely Loblolly Pines in the yard, and it looks like I’ll be busy again this week. As the storm tracks East, do keep safe!
Now, on with the round-up!
BoingBoing: South Carolina legislature confiscates budget of college for assigning Alison Bechdel's "Fun Home." I made my donation in special recognition of Garry Smith, who will receive a lovely card in thanks.
skippy the bush kangaroo: cookie jill’s environmental new round-up is where I turn in lieu of the Sunday bobbleheads.
Lean Left: Reminds us that Christian Conservatives don’t care about the Constitution—they want Theocratic control over America.
… and The Rude Pundit demolishes their attempts to “Otherize” the LGBT community, as only he can.
And here’s the Grateful Dead, with “Cold Rain And Snow:”
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.