April 10, 2014

Nice of Fox & Friends to take care of Rep. Louie Gohmert, after he carelessly tossed aspersions on Attorney General Eric Holder, isn't it?

Media Matters:

Rather than admitting Gohmert's accusation towards Holder, co-host Brian Kilmeade simply claimed, "Texas congressman Louie Gohmert struck a nerve, obviously, when he referenced pending contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder. Watch."

When Gohmert joined the program to continue attacking Holder, Kilmeade propped up the congressman's claims: "Basically, the attorney general is able to say 'get away, leave me alone,' and get away with it."

The full video of the hearing reveals that Gohmert accused the DOJ of giving documents to terrorist front groups before lobbing personal attacks at Holder, prompting Holder to respond that the contempt vote was "inappropriate" and "all about the gun lobby"...

(Transcript here)

But it wasn't just Fox & Friends. Glenn Beck lost his cookies over Holder's reaction, making him into the Scary Angry Black Dude Who Just Threatened Asparagus Guy.

In other news, water is wet.

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