There isn't one damn thing wrong with an ad like this. It's running in Arizona, paid for by Gabby Giffords' PAC, Americans for Responsible Solutions.
But wow, the Arizona Republic thinks it's vile, and isn't doing any harm to the Republican candidate who supports looser gun safety laws but is tossing mud all over Giffords.
A mother with sorrowful eyes appears on screen and tells the real-life story of a family horror. "My daughter was just 19 when she told her boyfriend their relationship was over. And he got a gun and shot her and my husband."
Portraits emerge of the two victims — a pretty young girl and her father in military dress. The mother tears up. Her voice cracks. "He (the stalker) had threatened her before, and I knew, I just knew."
Then appears the face of Martha McSally, with words both spoken and superimposed on screen: "Martha McSally opposes making it harder for stalkers to get a gun."
The ad waves the bloody shirt. Takes the tragic killing of two innocents and drops it at McSally's feet, as if she were responsible. A murder indictment implied.
But, of course, McSally had nothing to do with these deaths.
The ad is meant to help Democratic incumbent Ron Barber in his bid for re-election. It is emblematic of a wave of tough new advertising the gun-control lobby pushed out after the slaughter of children and teachers at Newtown, Conn. did not result in meaningful gun-control legislation.
Actually, it's intended to raise awareness about who gives a damn about gun safety and who does not. And yes, it's emblematic of people who are fed up to the gills with the insane ammosexuals who are dominating the debate about reasonable and decent gun laws.
So if you blocked laws that make it harder for stalkers to get guns, then you deserve all the hell rained down on you for that at election time. God knows Republicans get away with it all the time. But when someone tells the truth about what these insane gun nuts do to our country, they're deemed 'vile.'
Just another episode of IOKIYAR.