Chris Christie, bullying blowhard extraordinaire, says he's tired of hearing about the minimum wage. (So, too, no doubt, are all his Wall Street pals.) Well, I'm [bleeping] tired of [bleeping] Republicans not giving a [bleep] about, you know, real [bleeping] people, because they seem to think society is at its best when it looks like Hobbes's [bleeping] state of nature, where life is nasty, brutish, and [bleeping] short for anyone without the [bleeping] power to dominate others. And of course this is from a [bleeping] "moderate" Republican. Awesome.
(Sorry for all the cursing. This really pisses me off.)
Simply Left Behind: The biohazardous conservative mind.
Squatlo-Rant: The right-wing fetus fetish crowd.
Zandar Versus the Stupid: The totally moderate Rand Paul.
The Rude Pundit: The Ebola crisis-mongering of David Brooks.
Outside the Beltway: The disincentive of GOP immigration reform.
Go Expos Blue Jays Pirates Royals!
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.
Send requests and suggestions to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).