October 3, 2014

Hopefully it was caught early enough that he will respond to treatment.


An American freelance cameraman working for NBC News in Liberia has tested positive for Ebola and will be flown back to the U.S. for treatment.

The freelancer, Ashoka Mukpo, 33, was hired Tuesday to be a second cameraman for NBC News Chief Medical Editor and Correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Snyderman is with three other NBC News employees on assignment in Monrovia, reporting on the Ebola outbreak.

Mukpo came down with symptoms on Wednesday, feeling tired and achy. As part of a routine temperature check, he discovered he was running a slight fever. He immediately quarantined himself and sought medical advice. On Thursday morning, Mukpo went to a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) treatment center to be tested for the virus. The positive result came back just under 12 hours later.

"The good news is this young man, our colleague, was admitted very, very early," Snyderman told Rachel Maddow Thursday evening. "He's in good spirits."

Snyderman added she and the other members of the NBC News team are feeling well and not showing symptoms of the Ebola virus but are going beyond CDC guidelines for their and others' safety.

Snark moment: Will Tweety blame this one on Obama too?

On a serious note, all of my good healing thoughts go to Mr. Mukpo. May he recover and recover fully.

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