Republicans and the Supreme Court gave Stephen Colbert another reason to celebrate the death of Obamacare with the Grim Reaper this Thursday. Now that Republicans are back in charge of both houses of Congress, Colbert explained to his audience just why we should trust them to "fix" Obamacare.
COLBERT: Yes, after fifty votes Obamacare, the Republican majority is now promising to fix the law... just like when you try to murder someone fifty times and it doesn't work, so you buy them a gym membership.
After showing a montage of Republicans saying they'd like to "restore the 40 hour work week" as one of their brilliant ideas on how to "fix" the law, Colbert explained that they might not have to do anything after the latest dust up over Jonathan Gruber's comments, which as Karoli already explained here, has the right wing going nuts this week, and Colbert doing his best imitation of a talking head on Fox and chiming in with them.
COLBERT: Hah! I knew it. Obamacare is funded by taxes, unlike every other part of the federal government. I mean, everybody knows the F35 fighter jet program is paid for with candy sales. And just listen to why they thought they could get away with this.
Cue the video of Gruber talking about the stupidity of the American voters and Colbert's response.
COLBERT: The stupidity of the American voter. Professor Gruber just delivered a death blow to Obamacare in what I'm calling the Gruber film. And I'm not the only one out there who was offended. Just ask South Carolina Congressman and guy who put his wig on backwards, Trey Gowdy. [..]
Yes! If you want to see how stupid Americans are, just look at who they elected last Tuesday. In your face!

After showing the talking heads over at Fox piling on and attacking Democrats for supposedly looking down on the voters after Gruber's remarks, Colbert agreed.
COLBERT: Yes! Contemptuous Democrats looked down on the American people from their ivory towers and thought, what a pathetic hoard of dullards, let's give them health care. [...] Whereas Republicans respected the voters intelligence by telling them the death panels would grind up your grandma to make glue.

Sadly, as Stephen reminded us, Gruber's remarks weren't the worst thing to happen to the law this after our right wing zealots on the Supreme Court agreed hear another case this week.
COLBERT: It's like the old saying, the wheels of justice grind slowly, but eventually they'll run over sick people.
Stephen wrapped things up by having a slow dance instead of twerking as he'd done before with the Grim Reaper to celebrate the latest turn of events.