On Friday, CNN released information about the new DHS report on right wing extremist groups in America, which highlighted the Sovereign citizen movement and how dangerous they are. Fox News' Neil Cavuto had on the NRO's Jonah Goldberg, author of a fictitious book called Liberal Fascism and he was apoplectic about the contents. With Islamophobia running high, any talk about terrorism melded with the right wing is going to flare up into a hail storm of rebuke.
Jonah tried not to downplay the danger these militia groups in America posed, but since the violence has been directed at law enforcement, he wasn't too worried. (rough transcript)
Goldberg: It's amazing how the White House has been playing these lexicological games for years now. You can't call them rogue nations...
Cavuto: What do you think of the timing, Jonah? it comes during a curious week where we're debating the semantics of all of this. And now this report gets out.
Goldberg: Well, look, you have the Lucy and Ethel twins from the State Department...going out and desperately trying....
Cavuto: Lucy and Ethel twins?
Goldberg: Yea, one of my colleagues at national Review came up with that, but look..it's, it's amazing...they are desperate to find a Christian to that they can hang violent extremism on. And they had to find this animist shaman guy from Africa....look, he was a Christian....
....but they have been desperately trying to find something other than a Muslim terrorist to say this is about violent extremism, not about Islam and then low and behold, like manna from heaven, this thing comes out of the bowels of the DHS - and says "look, there are all of these angry white males that you get to worry about."
The initial DHS report was commissioned by George Bush and was released under Obama's administration which initially shocked the Glenn Beck's of the right into a massive hissy fit. Now we have Jonah conjuring up a Christian conspiracy theory. That does seem about right for them.