A couple of African-American students who protested racial inequality by stepping on Old Glory on Friday, April 17th really upset the apple cart. It sparked a few incidents that gave an Air Force veteran much sought-after publicity.
Cell phone video taken at Valdosta State University (Valdosta, Ga.) shows Air Force vet Michelle Manhart take the flag from protesters and refuse to return it before she is tackled and handcuffed by university police.
Manhart was apprehended and released after attempting to prevent the disrespect they were showing to our nation's symbol of freedom. The students had their own good reason for being upset, but Fox News left that part out of the story. "When a slave understands his situation and understands he doesn’t want to be in slavery, he does not respect or revere anything his slave master has put in front of him," a VSU student told the (school) newspaper.
On one of many Fox News appearances, Manhart told Hasselbeck she hoped the University would allow her back on the premises, because, after last week's events, she was banned from the campus. She says she supports the campus, but doesn't say if she is a donor, or just supports the University's right to exist.
But this isn't about "her," it's about our flag, our freedom. From the perspective of Manhart, these people should get over it already. She said,
"It's just to me it's a complete disrespect for not only the men and women that are out there fighting for it but their freedom as a whole. In my opinion they don't have any respect for what they've been given, I don't think that's right."
The fearmongering hit code red when they showed a picture of a man who appeared to step on the flag in the protest and is "armed." Armed and white is one thing, but a black man exercising his Second Amendment remedies? Heavens no! A head shot of Eric Sheppard is shown to alarm and frighten Georgia residents and Fox News viewers nationwide.

Mr. Sheppard explains:
“White privilege is…(a) privilege that white people have that is allotted to them because of the system of white supremacy, which was built on African demise,” Sheppard said.
One VSU student, a white female, asked Sheppard what he sees when he looks at her.
“I do not see a friend,” Sheppard said. “I do not see a beneficiary to my existence. Especially if you’re not using your white privilege to take down the system of racism and white supremacy, which is plaguing my existence and the existence of my people.”

Ms. Playboy poser claims the rally is peaceful and it's simply for the freedom and the symbol she so treasures. The problem she callously ignores are the injustices suffered by African-Americans who have the Constitutional right to protest, even by desecrating a flag. The Fox News crew and the Teaparty "patriots" who showed up to the rally recreated the same racial underpinnings of an Oathkeepers rally.
The April 24th rally ended up being a giant 'patriotic' parade, which suspended classes at Valdosta State. The formidable Mr. Sheppard never made it there to counter the teabagging festivities. The police were ready if he showed his face, and I'm sure he may have been Second Amendmented, as black men often are. Manhart said she had the "utmost faith in our police department." That may be because she is a white female, so she's oblivious to such things like racial injustice. Just like Fox News.
