Outnumbered, the Fox 'News' show with the format of four women and one man, discussed the obvious preference for liberal speakers over conservative speakers at elite universities' commencement addresses. They are outraged that at so many schools (in this case, Ivy League Universities), liberals outnumber conservatives 7:1.
Jesse Watters, the man who misinformed the public about Ebola so irresponsibly, while poking fun at poor people, simply cannot grasp why liberals are in far greater demand than folks who share his ideology of ignorance.
Watters remarked,
"I actually think it's good that all these Liberal Democrats are speaking at these commencements so they can explain why there will be no jobs for any of these people when they graduate, right K.G.?
Showing that she read the talking points memorandum of the week (blaming liberal policies instead of Reaganism for unrest in large cities like Baltimore) Kimberly Guilfoyle says,
"How liberal policies ruin and destroy cities."
The alleged Democrat on the panel, Kirsten Powers, is troubled by the imbalance. She says 'elite' universities almost exclusively invite liberal speakers and that lack of diversity is troubling. She agrees with the panel, in this case, because she believes that you may not have to agree with the speaker, but you could always benefit from their life experience. Whenever they do invite a conservative, they are generally met with protest. She then gives the example of Condi Rice, whose war crimes are too great to overlook for any student with half a brain or conscience. Look what happened when Condi visited a California University.

They list the speakers for this year's commencements:
- Yale (Joe Biden), Harvard (Deval Patrick), Princeton (Director Christopher Nolan), Cornell (Gabby and Mark Giffords) and U of Penn (UN Ambassador Samantha Powers).
Columbia and Brown have no commencement speakers while the lone "conservative" commencement speaker is the intellectually-insulting David Brooks, who will darken the graduation ceremony at Dartmouth. It's very likely that Dartmouth alum, Stephen Colbert, would be disappointed with that choice, even while pretending to be his conservative alter-ego, Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A.
Sorry Fox "News," but students with a strong, well-rounded education that encourages independent thought and a respect for wisdom, do not wish to hear from a science-denying, right-wing mouthpiece who insults their intelligence. This imbalance will continue for many years to come, and there's not a whole lot Fox News can do to change the opinions of more educated people.