Perhaps the best takedown of Fox and Friends regular guest, Dennis Michael Lynch, an anti-immigrant filmmaker, was executed by former Daily Show correspondent, Aasif Mandvi, who is now a star on HBO's The Brink. This originally aired in 2013.
This morning, Elisabeth was just giddy with faux outrage when a film was shown where it appears eight to ten 'illegals' are 'storming a Miami Beach' and running wide left and wide right. You know her husband was a professional back-up QB in the NFL, so she was able to show her knowledge of a running pattern, which was so cool. She's really a hip chick, isn't she?

Dennis Michael Lynch can be seen here, making googoo eyes at Sarah Palin. In the clip above, he said 'I'm not anti-immigrant, I'm pro-America.' He forgets that if he's not a Native American, he too is an immigrant, an impostor if you will.
Lynch explains that the immigration flow would stop if you only eliminate opportunity here, forgetting that there are many Republicans are not in favor of ending illegal immigration, especially folks like Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) who want exceptions for certain types of immigrants, which looks like a wishlist for wealthy people:
“cooks, waiters, butlers, housekeepers, governesses, maids, valets, baby sitters, janitors, laundresses, furnacemen, care-takers, handymen, gardeners, footmen, grooms, and chauffeurs of automobiles for family use” from prohibitions against “unlawful employment” for undocumented immigrants.”
If we had more tax money, perhaps more agents could be in the employ of the Department of Homeland Security. One of the problems is Florida Governor Rick Scott who recently enacted a $400 million dollar tax cut. Yes, tax cuts for some good things, like school supplies, but the list also include the *Elimination of the sales tax charged for gun club memberships, and *Bars the state from charging more than $60,000 for any boat or yacht repair, neither striking me as an urgent break that Floridians need. But don't take away the GOP's valets and furnacemen! That would be too much to bear.